API Reference


AccountA representation of a RIOT account.
AccountManagerAn account manager - to fetch and manage all the RIOT accounts. Requires API key with access to account-v1 API.
ApiErrorAPI error class.
BountyA representation of the bounty on a match participant.
BuildingKillEventA representation of the building kill event.
ChallengeA class representing the details of a challenge.
ChallengeCategoryA representation of a summoner's challenge category data.
ChallengeManagerA challenge manager - to fetch and manage all the challenges' data. Requires API key with access to lol-challenges-v1 API.
ChallengePreferencesA representation of a summoner's challenge preferences data.
ChallengeProgressionA representation of a summoner's challenge progression data.
ChallengeRankA representation of the ranked challenges stats of a summoner.
ChampionA representation of a League of Legends champion.
ChampionKillEventThe representation of the Champion Kill event.
ChampionManagerA champion manager - to fetch and manage all the champion data. Does not require an API Key. (Except for ChampionManager.fetchRotations).
ChampionMasteryA representation of a summoner's mastery over a champion.
ChampionMasteryManagerA champion mastery manager - to fetch and manage all summoner's champion mastery data. Requires API key with access to champion-mastery-v4 API.
ChampionSkinA representation of a champion's skin (visual modification).
ChampionSpecialKillEventA representation of the Champion special kill event.
ChampionSpellThe representation of a champion's spell (ability).
ChampionStatA representation of the champion's base stats.
ChampionTransformEventA representation of the champion transform event. As of right now, this only applies to Kayn's transformations.
ClashManagerA clash manager - to fetch and store clash tournaments and related data. Requires API key with access to clash-v1 API.
ClientThe shieldbow client that enables you to interact with Riot Games' League of Legends API. Also connects to the Data Dragon + Community Dragon CDNs.
CurrentGameA representation of an ongoing game.
CurrentGameManagerA current game manager - to fetch and manage the live games. Requires API key with access to spectator-v4 API.
CurrentGameParticipantA representation of a participant in a live game.
CurrentGamePerksA representation of the rune setup of a live game participant.
CurrentGameTeamA representation of a team in a live game.
DragonSoulGivenEventA representation of the dragon soul given event.
EliteMonsterKillEventA representation of the Elite monster kill event.
GameEndEventA representation of the game end event.
ItemA representation of an in-game item.
ItemDestroyedEventA representation of the Item destroyed event.
ItemManagerAn item manager - to fetch and manage all item data. Does not require an API Key.
ItemPurchasedEventA representation of the Item Purchased event.
ItemSoldEventA representation of the item sold event.
ItemUndoEventA representation of the Item Undo event.
LeagueEntryA representation of a summoner's competitive details.
LeagueListA representation of a list of league entries.
LeagueManagerA league manager - to fetch and manage all summoner competitive info. Requires API key with access to league-v4 and league-exp-v4 API.
LevelUpEventA representation of the Level up event.
LocalStorageA basic storage plugin that stores data to the local file system.
MatchA representation of a league of legends match.
MatchManagerA match manager - to fetch and manage matches.
MatchTimelineA representation of the timeline data for a match.
MemoryCacheA basic caching manager that caches to the system memory using a Map.
ObjectiveBountyPrestartEventA representation of the objective bounty prestart event.
ParticipantA representation of a participant in a match.
ParticipantFrameA representation of a participant's stats at a point in the timeline.
ParticipantFrameChampionStatsA representation of the participant's champion stats in a ParticipantFrame.
ParticipantFrameDamageStatsA representation of the participant's damage stats in a ParticipantFrame.
PauseEndEventA representation of the Pause end event. Takes place when a game pause ends or when the game first begins after the loading screen.
PerksA representation of the perks (runes) selected by a summoner for a match.
PerkStyleA representation of a perk style - a tree and 4 (if primary) or 2 (if secondary) runes that were selected.
PositionA representation of a position in the game.
RateLimiterThe rate limiter class. Used to send requests to the API.
RequestQueueA queue that can be used to queue up requests.
RuneA representation of an in-game rune.
RuneTreeA representation of an in-game rune tree
RuneTreeManagerA rune trees manager - to fetch and manage rune trees data.
ShieldbowLoggerBasic built-in debugging logger?.
SkillLevelUpEventA representation of the Skill Level Up event.
SummonerA representation of a summoner (player).
SummonerChallengeA representation of a summoner's challenge data.
SummonerManagerA summoner manager - to fetch and manage all the summoner data.
SummonerSpellA representation of an in-game summoner spell.
SummonerSpellManagerA spell manager - to fetch and manage all summoner spell data.
TeamA representation of a team in a match.
TimelineEventA representation of an event in a match timeline.
TimelineEventFactoryThe timeline event factory - to create a timeline event from a raw data object.
TimelineFrameA representation of a frame in a match timeline.
TotalChallengePointsA representation of the overview of a summoner's challenge data.
TournamentA representation of a clash tournament.
TournamentPlayerA representation of a player in a clash tournament.
TournamentScheduleA representation of a clash tournament schedule.
TournamentTeamA representation of a team in a clash tournament.
TurretPlateDestroyedEventA representation of the Turret place destroyed event.
WardKillEventA representation of the ward kill event.
WardPlacedEventA representation of the Ward Placed event.


arrToString(values)Parses the float values and returns rounded strings.
hash(str, { size })A simple fnv1a hashing utility - to help with community dragon data parsing.
multiply(part1, part2)Multiplies two spell calculation parts.
parseHeaders(headers)Parses the rate limit headers.
performMath(calculation, effects, datavalue, maxRank, options)A function that takes in calculations and performs the necessary operations to generate appropriate tooltips.
round(value)Rounds the value to up to 2 decimal points.


AccountDataThe account data structure as returned by the API.
ApiRequestOptionsThe API request options.
BaseManagerA base for any manager classes.
BuildingKillEventDataThe event data for building kill event.
CacheConfigClient's caching plugin configuration.
ChallengeCategoryDataThe raw challenge category data.
ChallengeConfigDataThe raw challenge config data.
ChallengePreferencesDataThe raw challenge preferences data.
ChallengeProgressionDataThe raw challenge progression data.
ChallengeRankDataThe raw data regarding a player's placement in a challenge ladder.
ChampionBanA banned champion in a match.
ChampionDataA representation of the champion data returned by Data Dragon.
ChampionKillEventDataThe event data for the champion kill event.
ChampionMasteryDataThe champion mastery data as returned by the API.
ChampionPassiveThe data about a champion's passive.
ChampionPricingThe pricing data of a champion.
ChampionRatingA representation of the champion rating data returned by Data Dragon.
ChampionSkinDataA representation of the champion skin data returned by Data Dragon.
ChampionSpecialKillEventDataThe event data for the champion special kill event.
ChampionSpriteThe sprite data of a champion.
ChampionTransformEventDataThe event data for the champion transform event.
ClientConfigThe basic configuration for the shieldbow Client.
CurrentGameBanDataThe champion ban data as returned by the API.
CurrentGameChampionBanCurrent game's team's champion ban information.
CurrentGameDataThe Current game data as returned by the API.
CurrentGameParticipantDataThe Current game participant data as returned by the API.
CurrentGamePerksDataThe current game participant perks data as returned by the API.
DamageDealtDataThe data of the damage dealt on a champion during their death on the map.
DragonSoulGivenEventDataThe event data for the dragon soul given event.
EliteMonsterKillEventDataThe event data for the elite monster kill event.
FetchOptionsThe basic fetching options for various fetch methods in the managers.
GameEndEventDataThe event data for the game end event.
GameMapBasic data for types of Maps available in the game.
GameModeBasic data for types of game modes.
GameTypeBasic data for types of games.
ICacheThe base cache interface for the cache plugin to be used.
ILoggerThe basic logger interface for the logging plugins to be used.
ImageDataA representation of any image data returned by Data Dragon.
IStorageThe base storage interface for the storage plugin to be used.
ItemDataA representation of the item data returned by Data Dragon.
ItemDestroyedEventDataThe event data for the item destroyed event.
ItemGoldValueThe item's gold value information.
ItemPurchasedEventDataThe event data for the item purchased event.
ItemSoldEventDataThe event data for the item sold event.
ItemUndoEventDataThe event data for the item undo event.
LeagueEntryDataThe league entry data as returned by the API.
LeagueListDataThe league list data as returned by the API.
LevelUpEventDataThe event data for the champion level up event.
LocalizedChallengeDataThe raw challenge name/description data.
LoggerConfigClient's logging utility configuration.
ManagersConfigManagers configuration is a means to enable/disable storage/caching of the library across the different managers.
MatchByPlayerOptionsAdditional options for filtering a specific summoner's matches.
MatchDataThe match data as returned by the API.
MatchTimelineDataThe match timeline data as returned by the API.
MatchTimelineFrameDataThe match timeline frame as returned by the API.
MatchTimelineInfoThe match timeline details as returned by the API.
MatchTimelineMetadataThe match timeline metadata as returned by the API.
MerakiChampionA representation of the champion data returned by meraki analytics. These are used in the LoL wiki.
MerakiSkinA representation of a champion's skin data returned by meraki analytics.
MerakiSkinChromaA representation of a champion's skin data returned by meraki analytics. These are used in the LoL wiki.
MethodRateLimitConfigThe rate limit config structure for methods (internal usage).
MethodRateLimitOptionsThe rate limit config structure for methods (options).
ObjectiveBountyPrestartEventDataThe event data for the objective bounty prestart event.
PartialSummonerA partial representation of a summoner.
ParticipantChampionThe participant's champion details.
ParticipantChampionStatsDataThe participant champion stats as returned by the API.
ParticipantDamageStatsThe participant's damage stats.
ParticipantDamageStatsDataThe participant damage stats as returned by the API.
ParticipantDataMatch participant data as returned by the API
ParticipantFrameDataThe Participant Frame as returned by the API.
ParticipantHealingStatsThe participant's healing stats.
ParticipantInhibitorStatsThe participant's inhibitor interaction information.
ParticipantMultkillsThe participant's multikill details.
ParticipantPositionThe participant position details.
ParticipantTotalDamageThe participant's total damage stats.
ParticipantTurretStatsThe participant's turret interaction information.
ParticipantVisionThe participant's vision details.
PauseEndEventDataThe event data for the pause end event.
PerksDataThe perks data for a match participant as returned by the API.
PositionDataA representation of an object's position on the map.
PreFetchConfigClient's pre-fetching data from data dragon configuration.
PromosThe league entry promotion series information.
QueueBasic data for types of queues (matches) in the game.
RateLimitConfigThe rate limit config structure.
RateLimiterConfigThe rate limiter config (internal).
RateLimiterOptionsThe rate limiter options.
RetryOptionsThe retry options.
RuneDataThe runes data as stored in data dragon.
RuneTreeDataThe rune trees data as stored in data dragon.
SeasonBasic data of seasons of the game.
SkillLevelUpEventDataThe event data for the skill level up event.
SkinChromaA representation of a champion's skin's chroma from meraki analytics.
SkinPricingA representation of a champion's skin's pricing from meraki analytics.
SpellDamageDataA representation of the champion spell data returned by Community Dragon.
SpellDataA representation of the champion spell data returned by Data Dragon.
SpriteCoordinateThe sprite coordinate data of a champion.
SpriteSizeThe sprite size data of a champion.
StatPerkThe stat perks data for a match participant as returned by the API.
StatPerksA representation of the stat perks selected by the summoner.
StorageConfigClient's storage plugin configuration.
SummonerChallengeDataThe raw challenge data for a summoner.
SummonerDataThe summoner data as returned by the API.
SummonerSpellDataThe summoner spell data as stored in data dragon.
TeamBanDataThe champion ban data as returned by the API.
TeamDataThe match team data as returned by the API.
TeamObjectiveDataThe individual objective data as returned by the API.
TeamObjectivesDataThe match team objective data as returned by the API.
TimelineEventDataThe base of a match timeline event.
TotalChallengePointsDataThe raw overview of a summoner's challenge data.
TournamentDataThe clash tournament data as returned by the API.
TournamentPlayerDataThe partial clash tournament player data as returned by the API.
TournamentPlayerFullDataThe complete clash tournament player data as returned by the API.
TournamentScheduleDataThe clash tournament schedule data as returned by the API.
TournamentTeamDataThe clash tournament team data as returned by the API.
TurretPlateDestroyedEventDataThe event data for the turret plate destroyed event.
WardKillEventDataThe event data for the ward kill event.
WardPlacedEventDataThe event data for the ward placed event.


apiBaseURLsThe list of base URLs by region.
localeA list of all valid locales.
methodsThe API method names.
mockRatelimitedResponseA mock rate limit error response. This is sent by the rate limiter when the rate limit is exceeded. If it is an actual 429 response by the API, it is a problem with the rate limiter.
parseFetchOptionsA utility for parsing the fetch options using request specific, client config and default settings.
parseOptionsParses the given options for the rate limiter.
rawStatPerksThe available stat perks.
regionalURLsThe list of base regional URLs by region.
responseHelpReturns a string with a description of the error.
StatAn array of all possible statistics needed for spell math.
StatFormulaThe part of the stat that needs to be considered during spell math.

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
AccountMethodsThe Account API method names.
ApiManagerKeyList of managers that interact with the API.
CategoryNameThe category names for challenge categories.
ChampionMasteryMethodsThe Champion Mastery API method names.
ChampionMethodsThe Champion API method names.
ClashMethodsThe Clash API method names.
DivisionTypeValid divisions for league entries.
DragonManagerKeyList of managers that interact with DDragon/CDragon.
LeagueExpMethodsThe League Exp API method names.
LeagueMethodsThe League API method names.
LocalesA valid locale to fetch the data in.
LocalizedChallengeNameDataThe raw challenge name/description data mapped by locale.
LogLevelThe Logger levels as a string, for easier usage.
LolChallengesMethodsThe Lol Challenges API method names.
LolStatusMethodsThe Lol Status API method names.
MatchMethodsThe Match API method names.
QueueTypeThe valid type of Queues by which league entries are mapped.
RegionA valid League of Legends region.
SpectatorMethodsThe Spectator API method names.
StatsA valid champion stat that affects their in-game interactions.
SummonerMethodsThe Summoner API method names.
TierTypeValid tiers for league entries.