API Reference
Class | Description |
Account | A representation of a RIOT account. |
AccountManager | An account manager - to fetch and manage all the RIOT accounts. Requires API key with access to account-v1 API. |
ApiError | API error class. |
Bounty | A representation of the bounty on a match participant. |
BuildingKillEvent | A representation of the building kill event. |
Challenge | A class representing the details of a challenge. |
ChallengeCategory | A representation of a summoner's challenge category data. |
ChallengeManager | A challenge manager - to fetch and manage all the challenges' data. Requires API key with access to lol-challenges-v1 API. |
ChallengePreferences | A representation of a summoner's challenge preferences data. |
ChallengeProgression | A representation of a summoner's challenge progression data. |
ChallengeRank | A representation of the ranked challenges stats of a summoner. |
Champion | A representation of a League of Legends champion. |
ChampionKillEvent | The representation of the Champion Kill event. |
ChampionManager | A champion manager - to fetch and manage all the champion data. Does not require an API Key. (Except for ChampionManager.fetchRotations). |
ChampionMastery | A representation of a summoner's mastery over a champion. |
ChampionMasteryManager | A champion mastery manager - to fetch and manage all summoner's champion mastery data. Requires API key with access to champion-mastery-v4 API. |
ChampionSkin | A representation of a champion's skin (visual modification). |
ChampionSpecialKillEvent | A representation of the Champion special kill event. |
ChampionSpell | The representation of a champion's spell (ability). |
ChampionStat | A representation of the champion's base stats. |
ChampionTransformEvent | A representation of the champion transform event. As of right now, this only applies to Kayn's transformations. |
ClashManager | A clash manager - to fetch and store clash tournaments and related data. Requires API key with access to clash-v1 API. |
Client | The shieldbow client that enables you to interact with Riot Games' League of Legends API. Also connects to the Data Dragon + Community Dragon CDNs. |
CurrentGame | A representation of an ongoing game. |
CurrentGameManager | A current game manager - to fetch and manage the live games. Requires API key with access to spectator-v4 API. |
CurrentGameParticipant | A representation of a participant in a live game. |
CurrentGamePerks | A representation of the rune setup of a live game participant. |
CurrentGameTeam | A representation of a team in a live game. |
DragonSoulGivenEvent | A representation of the dragon soul given event. |
EliteMonsterKillEvent | A representation of the Elite monster kill event. |
GameEndEvent | A representation of the game end event. |
Item | A representation of an in-game item. |
ItemDestroyedEvent | A representation of the Item destroyed event. |
ItemManager | An item manager - to fetch and manage all item data. Does not require an API Key. |
ItemPurchasedEvent | A representation of the Item Purchased event. |
ItemSoldEvent | A representation of the item sold event. |
ItemUndoEvent | A representation of the Item Undo event. |
LeagueEntry | A representation of a summoner's competitive details. |
LeagueList | A representation of a list of league entries. |
LeagueManager | A league manager - to fetch and manage all summoner competitive info. Requires API key with access to league-v4 and league-exp-v4 API. |
LevelUpEvent | A representation of the Level up event. |
LocalStorage | A basic storage plugin that stores data to the local file system. |
Match | A representation of a league of legends match. |
MatchManager | A match manager - to fetch and manage matches. |
MatchTimeline | A representation of the timeline data for a match. |
MemoryCache | A basic caching manager that caches to the system memory using a Map. |
ObjectiveBountyPrestartEvent | A representation of the objective bounty prestart event. |
Participant | A representation of a participant in a match. |
ParticipantFrame | A representation of a participant's stats at a point in the timeline. |
ParticipantFrameChampionStats | A representation of the participant's champion stats in a ParticipantFrame. |
ParticipantFrameDamageStats | A representation of the participant's damage stats in a ParticipantFrame. |
PauseEndEvent | A representation of the Pause end event. Takes place when a game pause ends or when the game first begins after the loading screen. |
Perks | A representation of the perks (runes) selected by a summoner for a match. |
PerkStyle | A representation of a perk style - a tree and 4 (if primary) or 2 (if secondary) runes that were selected. |
Position | A representation of a position in the game. |
RateLimiter | The rate limiter class. Used to send requests to the API. |
RequestQueue | A queue that can be used to queue up requests. |
Rune | A representation of an in-game rune. |
RuneTree | A representation of an in-game rune tree |
RuneTreeManager | A rune trees manager - to fetch and manage rune trees data. |
ShieldbowLogger | Basic built-in debugging logger?. |
SkillLevelUpEvent | A representation of the Skill Level Up event. |
Summoner | A representation of a summoner (player). |
SummonerChallenge | A representation of a summoner's challenge data. |
SummonerManager | A summoner manager - to fetch and manage all the summoner data. |
SummonerSpell | A representation of an in-game summoner spell. |
SummonerSpellManager | A spell manager - to fetch and manage all summoner spell data. |
Team | A representation of a team in a match. |
TimelineEvent | A representation of an event in a match timeline. |
TimelineEventFactory | The timeline event factory - to create a timeline event from a raw data object. |
TimelineFrame | A representation of a frame in a match timeline. |
TotalChallengePoints | A representation of the overview of a summoner's challenge data. |
Tournament | A representation of a clash tournament. |
TournamentPlayer | A representation of a player in a clash tournament. |
TournamentSchedule | A representation of a clash tournament schedule. |
TournamentTeam | A representation of a team in a clash tournament. |
TurretPlateDestroyedEvent | A representation of the Turret place destroyed event. |
WardKillEvent | A representation of the ward kill event. |
WardPlacedEvent | A representation of the Ward Placed event. |
Function | Description |
arrToString(values) | Parses the float values and returns rounded strings. |
hash(str, { size }) | A simple fnv1a hashing utility - to help with community dragon data parsing. |
multiply(part1, part2) | Multiplies two spell calculation parts. |
parseHeaders(headers) | Parses the rate limit headers. |
performMath(calculation, effects, datavalue, maxRank, options) | A function that takes in calculations and performs the necessary operations to generate appropriate tooltips. |
round(value) | Rounds the value to up to 2 decimal points. |
Interface | Description |
AccountData | The account data structure as returned by the API. |
ApiRequestOptions | The API request options. |
BaseManager | A base for any manager classes. |
BuildingKillEventData | The event data for building kill event. |
CacheConfig | Client's caching plugin configuration. |
ChallengeCategoryData | The raw challenge category data. |
ChallengeConfigData | The raw challenge config data. |
ChallengePreferencesData | The raw challenge preferences data. |
ChallengeProgressionData | The raw challenge progression data. |
ChallengeRankData | The raw data regarding a player's placement in a challenge ladder. |
ChampionBan | A banned champion in a match. |
ChampionData | A representation of the champion data returned by Data Dragon. |
ChampionKillEventData | The event data for the champion kill event. |
ChampionMasteryData | The champion mastery data as returned by the API. |
ChampionPassive | The data about a champion's passive. |
ChampionPricing | The pricing data of a champion. |
ChampionRating | A representation of the champion rating data returned by Data Dragon. |
ChampionSkinData | A representation of the champion skin data returned by Data Dragon. |
ChampionSpecialKillEventData | The event data for the champion special kill event. |
ChampionSprite | The sprite data of a champion. |
ChampionTransformEventData | The event data for the champion transform event. |
ClientConfig | The basic configuration for the shieldbow Client. |
CurrentGameBanData | The champion ban data as returned by the API. |
CurrentGameChampionBan | Current game's team's champion ban information. |
CurrentGameData | The Current game data as returned by the API. |
CurrentGameParticipantData | The Current game participant data as returned by the API. |
CurrentGamePerksData | The current game participant perks data as returned by the API. |
DamageDealtData | The data of the damage dealt on a champion during their death on the map. |
DragonSoulGivenEventData | The event data for the dragon soul given event. |
EliteMonsterKillEventData | The event data for the elite monster kill event. |
FetchOptions | The basic fetching options for various fetch methods in the managers. |
GameEndEventData | The event data for the game end event. |
GameMap | Basic data for types of Maps available in the game. |
GameMode | Basic data for types of game modes. |
GameType | Basic data for types of games. |
ICache | The base cache interface for the cache plugin to be used. |
ILogger | The basic logger interface for the logging plugins to be used. |
ImageData | A representation of any image data returned by Data Dragon. |
IStorage | The base storage interface for the storage plugin to be used. |
ItemData | A representation of the item data returned by Data Dragon. |
ItemDestroyedEventData | The event data for the item destroyed event. |
ItemGoldValue | The item's gold value information. |
ItemPurchasedEventData | The event data for the item purchased event. |
ItemSoldEventData | The event data for the item sold event. |
ItemUndoEventData | The event data for the item undo event. |
LeagueEntryData | The league entry data as returned by the API. |
LeagueListData | The league list data as returned by the API. |
LevelUpEventData | The event data for the champion level up event. |
LocalizedChallengeData | The raw challenge name/description data. |
LoggerConfig | Client's logging utility configuration. |
ManagersConfig | Managers configuration is a means to enable/disable storage/caching of the library across the different managers. |
MatchByPlayerOptions | Additional options for filtering a specific summoner's matches. |
MatchData | The match data as returned by the API. |
MatchTimelineData | The match timeline data as returned by the API. |
MatchTimelineFrameData | The match timeline frame as returned by the API. |
MatchTimelineInfo | The match timeline details as returned by the API. |
MatchTimelineMetadata | The match timeline metadata as returned by the API. |
MerakiChampion | A representation of the champion data returned by meraki analytics. These are used in the LoL wiki. |
MerakiSkin | A representation of a champion's skin data returned by meraki analytics. |
MerakiSkinChroma | A representation of a champion's skin data returned by meraki analytics. These are used in the LoL wiki. |
MethodRateLimitConfig | The rate limit config structure for methods (internal usage). |
MethodRateLimitOptions | The rate limit config structure for methods (options). |
ObjectiveBountyPrestartEventData | The event data for the objective bounty prestart event. |
PartialSummoner | A partial representation of a summoner. |
ParticipantChampion | The participant's champion details. |
ParticipantChampionStatsData | The participant champion stats as returned by the API. |
ParticipantDamageStats | The participant's damage stats. |
ParticipantDamageStatsData | The participant damage stats as returned by the API. |
ParticipantData | Match participant data as returned by the API |
ParticipantFrameData | The Participant Frame as returned by the API. |
ParticipantHealingStats | The participant's healing stats. |
ParticipantInhibitorStats | The participant's inhibitor interaction information. |
ParticipantMultkills | The participant's multikill details. |
ParticipantPosition | The participant position details. |
ParticipantTotalDamage | The participant's total damage stats. |
ParticipantTurretStats | The participant's turret interaction information. |
ParticipantVision | The participant's vision details. |
PauseEndEventData | The event data for the pause end event. |
PerksData | The perks data for a match participant as returned by the API. |
PositionData | A representation of an object's position on the map. |
PreFetchConfig | Client's pre-fetching data from data dragon configuration. |
Promos | The league entry promotion series information. |
Queue | Basic data for types of queues (matches) in the game. |
RateLimitConfig | The rate limit config structure. |
RateLimiterConfig | The rate limiter config (internal). |
RateLimiterOptions | The rate limiter options. |
RetryOptions | The retry options. |
RuneData | The runes data as stored in data dragon. |
RuneTreeData | The rune trees data as stored in data dragon. |
Season | Basic data of seasons of the game. |
SkillLevelUpEventData | The event data for the skill level up event. |
SkinChroma | A representation of a champion's skin's chroma from meraki analytics. |
SkinPricing | A representation of a champion's skin's pricing from meraki analytics. |
SpellDamageData | A representation of the champion spell data returned by Community Dragon. |
SpellData | A representation of the champion spell data returned by Data Dragon. |
SpriteCoordinate | The sprite coordinate data of a champion. |
SpriteSize | The sprite size data of a champion. |
StatPerk | The stat perks data for a match participant as returned by the API. |
StatPerks | A representation of the stat perks selected by the summoner. |
StorageConfig | Client's storage plugin configuration. |
SummonerChallengeData | The raw challenge data for a summoner. |
SummonerData | The summoner data as returned by the API. |
SummonerSpellData | The summoner spell data as stored in data dragon. |
TeamBanData | The champion ban data as returned by the API. |
TeamData | The match team data as returned by the API. |
TeamObjectiveData | The individual objective data as returned by the API. |
TeamObjectivesData | The match team objective data as returned by the API. |
TimelineEventData | The base of a match timeline event. |
TotalChallengePointsData | The raw overview of a summoner's challenge data. |
TournamentData | The clash tournament data as returned by the API. |
TournamentPlayerData | The partial clash tournament player data as returned by the API. |
TournamentPlayerFullData | The complete clash tournament player data as returned by the API. |
TournamentScheduleData | The clash tournament schedule data as returned by the API. |
TournamentTeamData | The clash tournament team data as returned by the API. |
TurretPlateDestroyedEventData | The event data for the turret plate destroyed event. |
WardKillEventData | The event data for the ward kill event. |
WardPlacedEventData | The event data for the ward placed event. |
Variable | Description |
apiBaseURLs | The list of base URLs by region. |
locale | A list of all valid locales. |
methods | The API method names. |
mockRatelimitedResponse | A mock rate limit error response. This is sent by the rate limiter when the rate limit is exceeded. If it is an actual 429 response by the API, it is a problem with the rate limiter. |
parseFetchOptions | A utility for parsing the fetch options using request specific, client config and default settings. |
parseOptions | Parses the given options for the rate limiter. |
rawStatPerks | The available stat perks. |
regionalURLs | The list of base regional URLs by region. |
responseHelp | Returns a string with a description of the error. |
Stat | An array of all possible statistics needed for spell math. |
StatFormula | The part of the stat that needs to be considered during spell math. |
Type Aliases
Type Alias | Description |
AccountMethods | The Account API method names. |
ApiManagerKey | List of managers that interact with the API. |
CategoryName | The category names for challenge categories. |
ChampionMasteryMethods | The Champion Mastery API method names. |
ChampionMethods | The Champion API method names. |
ClashMethods | The Clash API method names. |
DivisionType | Valid divisions for league entries. |
DragonManagerKey | List of managers that interact with DDragon/CDragon. |
LeagueExpMethods | The League Exp API method names. |
LeagueMethods | The League API method names. |
Locales | A valid locale to fetch the data in. |
LocalizedChallengeNameData | The raw challenge name/description data mapped by locale. |
LogLevel | The Logger levels as a string, for easier usage. |
LolChallengesMethods | The Lol Challenges API method names. |
LolStatusMethods | The Lol Status API method names. |
MatchMethods | The Match API method names. |
QueueType | The valid type of Queues by which league entries are mapped. |
Region | A valid League of Legends region. |
SpectatorMethods | The Spectator API method names. |
Stats | A valid champion stat that affects their in-game interactions. |
SummonerMethods | The Summoner API method names. |
TierType | Valid tiers for league entries. |
Table of Contents